GasFermTEC, ECB and EAS organised the joint seminar “Piloting facilities and applied research for transition to circular economy”

GasFermTEC, the Estonian Centre of Biosustainability (ECB) and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) organised the joint seminar “Piloting facilities and applied research for transition to circular economy” on the 22nd of February in Tallinn in Noblessner Valukoda. The seminar focused on two important aspects from Estonia’s point of view for the development of new technologies for circular economy – piloting facilities and applied research. Guest presenters from Finland and Norway shared their years of experience in the development of piloting facilities and applied research at the seminar, and several other speakers from industry to academia talked about the importance of piloting (see program below). The aim of the seminar was to kick-start a larger nation-wide discussion in Estonia on the topic of which path should we choose in the development of piloting facilities and applied research. Close to a 100 participants attended the event in-person with around a 1000 following through a webcast streamed by a major local news agency Postimees.

The webcast recording of the seminar can be viewed here.

See event schedule here.